@StaticText(300,"\nWelcome to the @Name Program. This program will Create HTBasic Legacy installion diskettes.\n\n\nTwo 1.44 MB 3.5\" formatted diskettes will be required to complete the MakeDisk Utility.\n\n\nClick Cancel to quit the Utility and then prepare the diskettes. Click Next to continue with the MakeDisk Utility program.")
@If(@PutYESNO("Ready To Create Diskettes", "\n\tThe MakeDisk Utility has enough information to start\n\tcreating the install diskettes.\n\n\tIf you want to review or change any settings, select Review.\n\tIf you are satisfied with the settings, Select Copy Files\n\tto begin creating diskettes.", "Copy Files", "Review") !=1)
@ProcessCode = 100
@Else //Windows
@SettingsCounter = 303
@Button100 = 0
@Button110 = 0
@Button120 = 0
@BeginWinDialog("CONFIRM_COPY", "Confirm Information Prior to Copy")
@Button(100, "<&Back")
@Button(110, "&Next>")
@Button(120, "&Cancel")
@Bitmap(200, "welcome")
@StaticText(300, "The MakeDisk Utility has enough information to start creating the install diskettes. If you want to review or change any settings, click Back. If you are satisfied with the settings, click Next to begin creating diskettes.")
@StaticText(302, "@Name version:")
@StaticText(@SettingsCounter, "TransEra HTBasic for Windows release 6.0")
@SettingsCounter = (@SettingsCounter + 1)
@StaticText(@SettingsCounter, "TransEra HTBasic for DOS release 6.0")
@SettingsCounter = (@SettingsCounter + 1)
@StaticText(@SettingsCounter, "TransEra HTBasic for DOS release 4.4")